KIMdata GmbH

Location: Waakirchen (near Munich), Germany.

Business sector: Business Intelligence Systems for Hospitals.



KIMdata provides flexible BI Systems for Hospitals, including ETL modules, data warehouse generation and advanced online reporting, as well as modules for cost centre and cost unit accounting. The DWH systems are based on a multidimensional, multi-cube architecture and capable of benchmarking (comparison between hospitals) and cross-reporting. All modules are configuration driven, which allows for complete integration with a hospital's operational systems, allowing the creation and pre-configuration of the import interfaces and analyses without the need for programming.

Usage of Firebird

One of the foundations of the software is a generic OLAP engine implemented purely based on Firebird. All data (DWH) and metadata (ETL and evaluation logic, other configuration data and user settings) are held in Firebird databases. Also most of the processing is done by Firebird. The front end provides visualization and user/administrator interaction.

Why we use Firebird

  • In our opinion it is the most mature open source RDBMS available
  • It is powerful, robust, fast and almost maintenance free
  • It has a very active and responsive community
  • As users, we can be part of Firebird's development