UDF Libraries for Firebird

rFunc UDF Library Multiplatform

The library represents a set of user (UDF) string, bit, numerical functions, and also for operations using date and time and BLOBs. And also PARSER, i.e. calculation of expressions. Supported on InterBase 4.2, 5.x, 6.0 (Windows 9x, NT, 2k) and InterBase 5.x, 6.x (Linux) or Firebird 1.x. The library include more than 130 functions and "pseudo-functions". The library is written on C++ and is delivered with source code.

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FreeAdhocUDF Multiplatform

Large UDF Library of over 500+ functions.

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External File UDF's Windows

A set of external functions for Firebird/InterBase which provides basic external file handling, create, write, delete, copy, merge. Useful for the creation of external text file logs of data input, or the creation of static HTML pages from databases.


Blob UDFs Linux

A collection of udf's for blob access.


fb_mhash / fb_shash Windows / Linux

A UDF library containing hmac and hash algorithm support. This library implements an interface to the mhash library (libmhash) and supports hash, hmac, and key generation algorithms, such as SHA1, MD5, MCRYPT, and S2K_SALTED. It also supports blob data too.


uuidUDF Windows / Linux

This library contains both the source code and compiled udf library for guid generation. The compiled versions are for Windows or Linux. The Windows dll was compiled using the gcc cross platform compiler. The functions are:

  • create_guid() creates a 36 char string guid representation.
  • create_uuid() creates a 22 char string guid, which is a compressed form where the order of the sections is reversed to allow firebirds index prefix compression to take place. All the characters used in this uuid are valid characters in urls.
  • guid_to_uuid(guid char 36) compresses and reverses a guid to make a uuid.
  • uuid_to_guid(uuid char 22) converts a uuid to a guid.


FB Server Lock UDF Windows

This UDF allows you to obtain a server wide lock outside of connection and transaction boundaries. Locks can be obtained for 1..n seconds (upto 1 day)


FB Smtp UDF Windows

A UDF library for directly sending SMTP messages via triggers and stored procedures.

It works in 2 ways:

Direct Send - Email is sent directly and the result of the send is available immediately (this could be subject to normal network delay).

Queue - The library can optionally queue messages which are then sent on a dedicated thread every 10 seconds or so.

Also includes functions to test the results of sending the emails.
