Contributed Research Articles
From Firebird Conference 2019 (Berlin)
Firebird on the road from V4 to V5 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov
New transaction features and changes in garbage collection in Firebird V4 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun
Multithread sweep, backup and restore (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun
Python with Firebird: FDB Driver 101 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
Whats new in the .NET driver for Firebird (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jiri Cincura
The Firebird Butler, An Introduction (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
PHP + Firebird (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Martin Koeditz
NET core + Firebird (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jiri Cincura
Replication in Firebird 4: Configuration and practical examples (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov
Advanced Replication with Firebird 4 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov
RedDatabase 4.0: Overview (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Roman Simakov
Best Practices in Firebird Security - from Firebird 2.5 to 4.0 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Alex Peshkov and Alexey Kovyazin
Fireswarm/Avalerion (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Paul Reeves
Go to Web with CloudaIDE (.pdf) (Unknown)
by W. Poszewiecki
FbNetExternalEngine (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jiri Cincura
Workshop "Database Encryption" (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Alex Peshkov and Alexey Kovyazin
An Introduction to IB Objects (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jason Wharton
A deep dive into IB Objects (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jason Wharton
Recovery of Firebird Databases (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Alexey Kovyazin
Tuning Linux and Firebird for a 660GB database amd 1500 Connections (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Alexey Kovyazin
Firebird Butler in Python part I, Introduction to Saturnin SDK (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
Firebird Butler in Python part II, Introduction to Saturnin (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
Red Database in the Enterprise (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Roman Simakov
Workshop "Optimization of SQL Queries", Part 1 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov and Alexey Kovyazin
Workshop "Optimization of SQL Queries", Part 2 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov and Alexey Kovyazin
Workshop "Optimization of SQL Queries", Part 3 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Yemanov and Alexey Kovyazin
Comparing Firebird databases with FirebirdDbComparer (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Jiri Cincura
Effective development of Firebird applications in Delphi/Lazarus (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Kuzmenko
HQbird 2020 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Kuzmenko
Popular Firebird Myths (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Dimitry Kuzmenko
Workshop "All About Transactions", Part 1 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun and Dimitry Kuzmenko
Workshop "All About Transactions", Part 2 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun and Dimitry Kuzmenko
Workshop "All About Transactions", Part 3 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun and Dimitry Kuzmenko
Workshop "All About Transactions", Part 4 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun and Dimitry Kuzmenko
Workshop "All About Transactions", Part 5 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Vlad Horsun and Dimitry Kuzmenko
Advanced IBExpert (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
Behind the scenes of a very big project (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
From Firebird Conference 2016 (Prague)
From Firebird Conference 2014 (Prague)
From Firebird Conference 2012 (Luxembourg)
From Firebird Conference 2011 (Luxembourg)
From Firebird Conference 2007 (Hamburg)
From Firebird Conference 2006 (Prague)
Solution Stacks Built on Firebird and PHP - Another Flame in the LAMP? (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Ruizendaal
Developing Cross-Platform Applications with Firebird and wxWidgets (.zip) (Unknown)
by Milan Babuskov
The Firebird System Tables (.zip) (Unknown)
by Martijn Tonies
Supporting Complex On Line Systems with Satellite Databases (.zip) (Unknown)
by Mauricio Longo
Owner Migration, the Easy Way (.zip) (Unknown)
by Thomas Steinmaurer
Firebird clients and system tables (.zip) (Unknown)
by Bjoern Reimer, Dirk Baumeister
Cross-Platform Development Using Lazarus (.zip) (Unknown)
by Fikret Hasovic
Firebird Conference 2006 - Opening and Welcome (.zip) (Unknown)
by Firebird Foundation
Building Firebird on Windows and Linux (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Reeves
Replicating with IBReplicator 2.5 (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitry Sibiryakov
New Shutdown Modes and Backups in Firebird 2.0 (.zip) (Unknown)
by Carlos Cantu
Cost-based Optimization and Statistics (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitry Yemanov
N-Tier applications with Firebird and RemObjects DataAbstract (.zip) (Unknown)
by Erick Sasse
Creating modern database webapplications using Firebird, php and AJAX (.zip) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
Data Types in Practice/Optimizing Counts (Dual Topics) (.zip) (Unknown)
by Ivan Prenosil
Real World Applications Using Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Gary Franklin, Bill Oliver
Firebird Connectivity Tools or Is there any performance loss out there? (.zip) (Unknown)
by Alex Skvirski
External routines: interfaces, usage and possibilities (.zip) (Unknown)
by Roman Rokytskyy
Application Development with Morfik WebOS and Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Mauricio Longo
Optimizing Server Performance (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitri Kouzmenko
Creating Transaction Logs in Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
Managing Metadata Changes (.zip) (Unknown)
by Milan Babuskov
Delivering and Using the Vulcan Embedded Server as Part of the SAS System (.zip) (Unknown)
by Gary Franklin, Bill Oliver
New SQL Features in Coming Versions of Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Vladislav Horsun
Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views, Why and How (.zip) (Unknown)
by Martijn Tonies
Jaybird: new release, new features (.zip) (Unknown)
by Roman Rokytskyy
Database Health and Corruption (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitri Kouzmenko
Updating Database Structures (.zip) (Unknown)
by Carlos Cantu
Character Sets and Unicode in Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Stefan Heymann
Integration of Firebird with PalmOS Handhelds and Smartphones (.zip) (Unknown)
by Erick Sasse
Making your own Firebird PowerTools with Python (.zip) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
Full text search in Firebird without a full text search engine (.zip) (Unknown)
by Bjoern Reimer, Dirk Baumeister
Transportable Firebird Databases (.zip) (Unknown)
by Ann Harrison
Fyracle, Oracle-mode Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Ruizendaal
Managing Firebird Transactions with FIBPlus (.zip) (Unknown)
by Serg Vostrikov
Firebird v2.x and v3.0: the Foreseeable Future (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitry Yemanov
From Firebird Conference 2005 (Prague)
Embedding and using sophisticated mathematics in Firebird: Fast Fourier transforms, data smoothing and high order derivatives (.zip) (Unknown)
by Andrew Morgan
Implementing applications using Firebird API (Interbase 6 API) in Delphi, Lazarus and Free Pascal (.zip) (Unknown)
by Luiz Paulo de Oliveira Santos
Migration and integration of other databases into Firebird using Cold Fusion (.zip) (Unknown)
by Claus Heeg
The power of Firebird events (.zip) (Unknown)
by Milan Babuskov
Detecting, correcting, and preventing database corruption (.zip) (Unknown)
by Ann Harrison
IB Objects for Newbies (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Jason Wharton
Setting Up a bidirectional Replication and other Solutions based on EXECUTE STATEMENT Commands (.zip) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
The Firebird system tables (.zip) (Unknown)
by Martijn Tonies
Firebird and Java Stored Procedures (.zip) (Unknown)
by Evgeney Putilin
Techniques for migrating from MySQL to Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Luiz Paulo de Oliveira Santos
Solution Stacks Built on Firebird and PHP - Another Flame in the LAMP? (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Ruizendaal
SAS/Firebird performance testing strategy (.zip) (Unknown)
by Bill Oliver, Tom Cole
Configuring Firebird and Vulcan for your application (.zip) (Unknown)
by Jim Starkey
Deploying Firebird transparently on Windows (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Nando Dessena
What Developers Should Know about Character Sets, Unicode etc. (.zip) (Unknown)
by Stefan Heymann
Firebird Quality Assurance (.zip) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
SOA using kbmMW (Delphi Win32/.Net), BCB, Kylix) (.zip) (Unknown)
by Kim Madsen
Vulcan status, features, and goals (.zip) (Unknown)
by Jim Starkey
Developing DataBase Application with Delphi 2006: Part 1 (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Daniel Magin
Developing DataBase Application with Delphi 2006: Part 2 (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Daniel Magin
SAS and Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Bill Oliver, Tom Cole
From Basic to Advanced ISQL scripting (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Reeves
Stored Procedures (.zip) (Unknown)
by Lucas Franzen
Firebird Performance Optimization for Different Applications (.zip) (Unknown)
by Dmitri Kouzmenko
Dynamic Databases - A Conceptual Overview (.zip) (Unknown)
by Mauricio Longo
Understanding the Optimizer I (.zip) (Unknown)
by Arno Brinkman
Open source Delphi (.zip) (Unknown)
by Fikret Hasovic
Ready Packaged Firebird on PHP (.zip) (Unknown)
by Lester Caine
Audit Trails, Transaction Log, Redo with the IB LogManager product family (.zip) (Unknown)
by Thomas Steinmaurer
PSQL in Action (.zip) (Unknown)
by Carlos Cantu
Firebird future development: what to expect (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Beach, Dmitry Yemanov
FireQ - Firebird Based Messaging Infrastructure (A Dynamic Database Implementation) (.zip) (Unknown)
by Mauricio Longo
Firebird Server Performance - How to make your application run faster (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Holger Klemt
Getting Started with FIBPlus (.mp3) (Unknown)
by Serg Vostrikov
JayBird - JCA/JDBC driver for Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Roman Rokytskyy
First steps in performance tuning (.zip) (Unknown)
by Ann Harrison
Under the hood: Data access paths (.zip) (Unknown)
by Arno Brinkman, Dmitry Yemanov
Firebird on PHP – Integrate or Abstract (.zip) (Unknown)
by Lester Caine
Fyracle, Oracle-mode Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Ruizendaal
Making your own Firebird PowerTools with Python (.zip) (Unknown)
by Pavel Cisar
From Model Driven Development to Model Driven Architectures (.zip) (Unknown)
by Jeanot Bijpost
Firebird Stored Procedures - why and how (.zip) (Unknown)
by Martijn Tonies
Migrating a PHP application to Firebird (.zip) (Unknown)
by Paul Reeves
Using Firebird for Quality Management Software (.zip) (Unknown)
by Stefan Heymann
Embedded Classic (.zip) (Unknown)
by Tom Cole, Bill Oliver
An introduction to Cathedron (.zip) (Unknown)
by Jeanot Bijpost
FlameRobin - administration tool for Firebird DBMS (.zip) (Unknown)
by Milan Babuskov
Owner Migration - The Easy Way (.zip) (Unknown)
by Thomas Steinmaurer
Firebird Embedded Server (.zip) (Unknown)
by Lucas Franzen
Record versions: consistent read, concurrency control, and undo log (.zip) (Unknown)
by Ann Harrison
Special FIBPlus features: network traffic optimization and FIBPlus Repository (.zip) (Unknown)
by Serg Vostrikov
Understanding the Optimizer II (.zip) (Unknown)
by Arno Brinkman
Creating and managing recursive structures (.zip) (Unknown)
by Andrew Morgan
Building ERP web applications based on Firebird and Cold Fusion. Migrating from 4GL applications to web based Applications (.zip) (Unknown)
by Claus Heeg
Firebird in n-tier setup with Delphi (and kbmMW) (.zip) (Unknown)
by Fikret Hasovic