The Rough Guide to building Firebird 1.5 on MacOSX

By David Pugh

This page is an extract from a larger HOWTO entitled Firebird Relational Database on MacOSX.

These sections are posted here in the hope that someone can make immediate use of the info... These sections are posted here in the hope that someone can make immediate use of the info....

Building Firebird Classic 1.5.1 from Source on MacOSX

To build from source, you will have to have the XCode Tools (which includes GCC) installed on your Mac. These are freely available from the Apple Developer Connection site. Create a free membership account in order to download the developer tools.

My current build environment is:

  • Mac OSX Panther (10.3.7)
  • XCode 1.5
  • gcc (GCC) 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1671)

In order to build Firebird Classic1.5.1 from Source Code on MacOSX, the following steps are required:

  1. Download the latest source code package from SourceForge In this example, we have downloaded firebird-

  2. Create a work directory and copy the source package into it. Our work directory is called firebird151

  3. Open a Terminal window and change into our work directory

  4. Unpack the source code archive using the following command:

    $ tar -jxvf firebird-

    This will unpack the contents into a subdirectory called firebird-

    Change into the source directory using cd firebird- before continuing.

  5. You need to set a couple of environment variables before proceeding as the default build process looks for the programs libtoolize and libtool. Under OSX, the gnu versions of these programs, glibtoolize and glibtool must be used instead.:

    $ export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize
    $ export LIBTOOL=glibtool
  6. Now run the shell script which automagically creates and runs the configure script to generate the required Makefile:

    $ ./

    This will take a wee while to complete. Once it is finished, you should see something like this at the end of the output:

    The Firebird2 package has been configured with the following options:

    Architecture : ClassicServer
           Debug : disabled
      64 bit I/O : enabled
     Raw devices : disabled
    Lock manager : enabled
    Service name : gds_db
    Service port : 3050
    GPRE modules : c_cxx.cpp
     Install Dir : /usr/local/firebird

    Now type `make' to compile Firebird2

  7. As the last line above says, run make to build the software:

    $ make

    The build takes a while to run ... make a cup of coffee. At the completion of the build process, you should see:

    Build Successful!!
    You can find the installer packages in gen/firebird, and the raw
    frameworks in gen/firebird/frameworks
    Run "make install" as root (or via sudo) to install your binary.
  8. If you look in the gen/firebird directory, you should see something like the following:

    ahost:~/projects/Firebird/firebird- $ ls -l gen/firebird/
    total 2880
    drwxr-xr-x  20 dwp  dwp     680 28 Dec 17:27 .
    drwxr-xr-x  60 dwp  dwp    2040 28 Dec 17:13 ..
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:27 Firebird-CS-1.5.pkg
    drwxr-xr-x   6 dwp  dwp     204 28 Dec 17:21 Firebird.framework
    drwxr-xr-x   4 dwp  dwp     136 28 Dec 17:27 UDF
    drwxr-xr-x  28 dwp  dwp     952 28 Dec 17:26 bin
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  145272 28 Dec 17:21 de_DE.msg
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:12 examples
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  132796 28 Dec 17:21 firebird.msg
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  144216 28 Dec 17:21 fr_FR.msg
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:27 frameworks
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:20 help
    drwxr-xr-x   8 dwp  dwp     272 28 Dec 17:21 include
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:21 intl
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp       0 28 Dec 17:20 isc_init1.PBBear.local
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  262144 28 Dec 17:20 isc_lock1.PBBear.local
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  135656 28 Dec 17:21 ja_JP.msg
    drwxr-xr-x  12 dwp  dwp     408 28 Dec 17:27 lib
    drwxr-xr-x   3 dwp  dwp     102 28 Dec 17:21 misc
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 dwp  dwp  643072 28 Dec 17:27 security.fdb

    The first entry shows that we have successfully built a MacOSX Installer Package called Firebird-CS-1.5.pkg

    You can install this package either by double-clicking it in the Finder, or from the commandline by typing:

    open gen/firebird/Firebird-CS-1.5.pkg

Building Firebird Classic 1.5.2 from Source on MacOSX

My initial attempts to build FB 1.5.2 failed with a variety of error messages. After hacking around a bit, the following steps worked for me.

  1. Unpack the source tarball and then change into the firebird source directory:

    $ tar -jxvf firebird-
    $ cd firebird-
  2. Run the clean script to ensure we start from the base build tree:

    $ yes | . ./
  3. Export these environment variables so that the build uses the gnu libtools installed on OSX:

    $ export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize
    $ export LIBTOOL=glibtool
  4. Now, edit the builds/posix/make.defaults and as described below:

    The Darwin Linker does not recognize the --version-script flag for attaching symbols to generated libs.

    To prevent errors, edit the builds/posix/prefix.darwin file and add the following lines to the end of the file:

  5. Next, some os-specific directories are not created by the supplied configure file. This will cause the build to fail.

    You should edit the configure file and add the following lines at approximately line number 21277 in the appropriate sections:

    mkdir -p temp/client.qli/jrd/os/darwin
    mkdir -p temp/client.util/jrd/os/darwin
    mkdir -p temp/client.gdef/jrd/os/darwin
    mkdir -p temp/embed.util/jrd/os/darwin
    mkdir -p temp/embed.gdef/jrd/os/darwin
    mkdir -p temp/embed.qli/jrd/os/darwin


    The configure file is a generated file. If you run again, this file will be overwritten. to make this change permanent, add the lines to the file before running

  6. Now run the configure script to produce the platform-specific Makefile(s):

    $ ./configure
  7. When the script completes, you will see the following output:

    The Firebird2 package has been configured with the following options:
    Architecture : ClassicServer
    Debug : disabled
    64 bit I/O : enabled
    Raw devices : disabled
    Lock manager : enabled
    Service name : gds_db
    Service port : 3050
    GPRE modules : c_cxx.cpp
    Install Dir : /usr/local/firebird
    Now type `make' to compile Firebird2
  8. So, now do as it says and run make:

    $ make

    The build will chug away for a while before displaying the completion message:

    Build Successful!!
    You can find the installer packages in gen/firebird, and the raw
    frameworks in gen/firebird/frameworks
    Run "make install" as root (or via sudo) to install your binary.
  9. You will find the Firebird-CS-1.5.pkg OSX Installer Package in the gen/firebird directory.


On a couple of occasions, the build failed with an error relating to ranlib and the libeditline.a being out of date.

If you receive this error, you need to run the ranlib program against the libeditline.a file, then continue the make process as follows:

$ ranlib gen/firebird/lib/libeditline.a
$ make

Building Firebird SuperServer 1.5.2 from Source on MacOSX

To build the SuperServer Installer Package, you should first successfully build the CS version as described above. Then,

  1. In the firebird source directory, run the configure script with the superserver switch as follows:

    $ ./configure --enable-superserver

    At the end of the script execution, you will see the following output:

    The Firebird2 package has been configured with the following options:
    Architecture : SuperServer
           Debug : disabled
      64 bit I/O : enabled
     Raw devices : disabled
    Service name : gds_db
    Service port : 3050
    GPRE modules : c_cxx.cpp
     Install Dir : /usr/local/firebird
  2. Now run the make command to build the package:

    $ make

    When the build is complete, you should have a new Installer Package in the gen/firebird directory called Firebird-SS-1.5.pkg:

    $ ls gen/firebird/F*
    Firebird-CS-1.5.pkg     Firebird-SS-1.5.pkg     Firebird.framework
  3. Now, run the installer package, either by locating it in the Finder and double-clicking, or by using the open utility from the commandline as follows:

    $ open gen/firebird/Firebird-SS-1.5.pkg
  4. Upon completion of the installation, a StartupItem for the Firebird SuperServer daemon has been installed in /System/Library/StartupItems/Firebird.

    Start the Firebird SuperServer using the following commandline:

    $ sudo SystemStarter start "Firebird Server"

    You can check that it is running using the ps command as follows:

    $ ps aux | grep fb
    root    1054   0.0  0.2    28484   2392  ??  S     5:03PM   0:00.01 /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/English.lproj/var/bin/fbguard -f
    root    1055   0.0  0.2    31316   3696  ??  S     5:03PM   0:00.12 /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/English.lproj/var/bin/fbserver

    You should see running processes called fbguard and fbserver

  5. From now on, whenever you restart your machine, the Firebird SuperServer will be started automatically.

    You can manually stop, start and restart the Firebird SuperServer using the SystemStarter command in a Terminal as follows:

    $ sudo SystemStarter stop "Firebird Server"
    $ sudo SystemStarter start "Firebird Server"
    $ sudo SystemStarter restart "Firebird Server"
  6. Notes

    • If you have already installed either the Classic or Superserver package, running the installer again will 'Upgrade' it. Whilst this should be safe, I recommend that you backup your existing installation by copying the /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework directory tree to another location before proceeding with installation. I have safely flipped between Classic/SuperServer operation just by 'upgrading' with the required package. Note that during an upgrade, the Firebird Security database is preserved, so any users/password changes you have made remain in effect.

    • Installation of both the Classic and SuperServer packages is not a problem, however, operationally, only the last installed version will be used at runtime.

      For instance, when you install Classic, Firebird is configured to listen for database connections on port 3050 via the xinetd daemon. If you later install SuperServer, Firebird is removed from the xinetd configuration. You must use SystemStarter (or restart your machine) to start the Firebird SuperServer daemon which will then listen for database connections on port 3050.

    • To cleanup before a totally fresh install (ie. during development or testing), the following directories must be removed:


      The next installation of the package will then ask you to Install instead of Upgrade

    • In order for other machines to connect to your Firebird databases, in your System Preferences, go to the Sharing/Firewall page and open port 3050 to inbound connections. Assess your own security policy before doing this.

    • The SuperServer installation installs a SystemStarter script in the location /System/Library/StartupItems/Firebird/

      According to the docs I have read, the /System/Library/StartupItems directory is reserved for use by Mac OSX startup processing. User daemons should instead be installed in /Library/StartupItems directory.

    • The SuperServer startup script /System/Library/StartupItems/Firebird/Firebird contains the SYSDBA password hard-coded in it to enable the Firebird shutdown command to succeed.

      • This may be regarded by some as a security hole
      • If you change the default SYSDBA password (masterkey) as recommended in the install docs, then you will also have to edit the startup script and replace the default password with your new SYSDBA password
    • The SuperServer startup script runs the Firebird SuperServer processes under the root profile.

      • This may be regarded by some as a security risk

      • During installation of the Firebird package, a user called firebird was created, however, this user profile is not used.

      • You can modify the startup script to run the SuperServer under the firebird profile as follows:

        Edit the script /System/Library/StartupItems/Firebird/Firebird

        Change the StartService code to use the su -c command as follows:

        su firebird -c "/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/fbmgr.bin -start"

        Change StopService as so:

        su firebird -c "/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/fbmgr.bin -shut -password masterkey"

        and RestartService as so:

        su firebird -c "/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/fbmgr.bin -shut -password masterkey"
        su firebird -c "/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/fbmgr.bin -start"

        Save your changes.

      • Then you must ensure that the contents of /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework are owned by the user firebird:

        $ sudo chown -R firebird:firebird  /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/
      • Finally, you must ensure that any database you wish to create and/or access must be in a location to which the firebird user has read/write privileges. The easiest way to do this is to create a special directory to hold all your Firebird databases and assign it's ownership to the firebird user:

        $ cd ~
        $ mkdir fbdata
        $ sudo chown firebird:firebird fbdata
        $ isql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey
        Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
        SQL> CREATE DATABASE '/Users/dwp/fbdata/testdb.fdb';
        SQL> quit;

        If we now look in the fbdata directory, we will see our new database has been created by the Firebird SuperServer process and that it is owned by the firebird user (ie. the user who owns the SuperServer process):

        $ ls -l fbdata
        total 1168
        drwxr-xr-x   3 firebird  firebird     102  2 Jan 20:26 .
        drwxr-xr-x  77 dwp       dwp         2618  2 Jan 20:25 ..
        -rw-------   1 firebird  firebird  598016  2 Jan 20:28 testdb.fdb