General Documentation
Authentication in Firebird 3 (.pdf) (Unknown)
by Helen Borrie and Alex Peshkov
Firebird and Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
by Paul Reeves
The life cycle of a Firebird SQL statement
by Pavel Cisar and Paul Beach
Firebird Road Trip and What's New in V.2.5
by Thomas Steinmaurer
Audit and Trace Services in Firebird V2.5
by Thomas Steinmaurer
Firebird or InterBase and the Oldest Interesting Transaction
by Paul Beach
Aggregate Tables with Firebird
by Thomas Steinmaurer
- Limits of the Firebird Database
InterBase has an (alleged) 2GB Database size limit
by Paul Beach
Configuring Firebird for Your Application
by Ann Harrison
Firebird Null Guide
by Paul Vinkenoog
Firebird File and Metadata Security
by Geoff Worboys
InterBase, Firebird and Blobs - A Technical Overview
by Paul Beach
Lock Management in Firebird
by Ann Harrison
Firebird (yet) another Open Source Database
by Ann Harrison
Securing your Firebird/InterBase Installation
by Mark O'Donohue
Explicit Join Semantics In Firebird
by Claudio Valderrama C.
- Semaphore and Shared Memory Configuration for Classic Servers
A Quick Guide to ISQL's Switches and Commands for Firebird/InterBase
by Claudio Valderrama C.
Firebird PHP Programming Manual
by Janus Software
Declarative Referential Integrity V's Triggers
by Claudio Valderrama C.
The Mystery of the rdb$db_key Explained
by Claudio Valderrama C.
Date and Time Functions in rdb$database?
by Claudio Valderrama C.
Computed Fields with Conditional Statements
by Claudio Valderrama C.
- Tips for Improving InterBase Server Performance
InterBase Configuration Parameters
by Ann Harrison
A Quick Guide to the Windows Startup Parameters for Firebird/InterBase
by Claudio Valderrama C.
Introduction to InterBase Stored Procedures and Triggers
by Bill Todd
What Open Source Means to You
by David Robinson
- InterBase Interaction with NFS Automount
- Explanation of Deadlocks
- InterBase 6.0 SQL Dialects
Understanding the Assumptions Behind InterBases Technology
by Ann Harrison
Using InterBase Data Types
by Paul Reeves
Ten Things You Can Do To Make InterBase Scream
by Bill Karwin
SQL Roles: Users and Security in InterBase
by Markus Kemper
InterBase: What Sets It Apart
by Bill Todd
- Specifying Query Access Plans in the InterBase Optimizer
Introducing the InterBase Procedure and Trigger Language
by Dan Ehrmann
- SuperServer v's Classic Architecture
InterBase Server Configuration and Optimization
by Bill Karwin