Functions with PSQL in Firebird 3

By Helen Borrie

One of the PSQL treasures coming with Firebird 3 is the ability to write scalar functions in procedural SQL. Write them, commit them and they'll be declared to your database just as though they were external functions (UDFs). They have been launched as "stored functions", to distinguish them from "internal functions" (the ones that are built in to Firebird's SQL language) and "external functions", those that are loaded from an external library on demand, after being declared to the database.

The syntax will be familiar if you've written any stored procedures: it is very similar, although not exactly the same. There's a header, where the inputs and the output are declared, along with any local variables. The action happens inside a BEGIN...END block and the keyword RETURN sends the result back to the caller. Here is the syntax, slightly simplified:

{CREATE [OR ALTER] | ALTER | RECREATE} FUNCTION <name> [(param1 [, ...])]
... END

Suppose you need a function that takes a date as an argument and returns a pretty string with the month fully spelt out, e.g., '25 December, 2014'. We have this simple little script for isql, named 'func_stringdate.txt':

create function stringdate (d date) returns
varchar(19) -- unnamed return value
 declare xx smallint;
 declare mm varchar(9);
 declare yy smallint;
 declare DSTRING varchar(19);
 DSTRING = '';
 DSTRING = DSTRING || extract (day from d) || ' ';
 xx = extract (month from d);
 if (xx = 1) then mm = 'January';
 else if (xx = 2) then mm = 'February';
 else if (xx = 3) then mm = 'March';
 else if (xx = 4) then mm = 'April';
 else if (xx = 5) then mm = 'May';
 else if (xx = 6) then mm = 'June';
 else if (xx = 7) then mm = 'July';
 else if (xx = 8) then mm = 'August';
 else if (xx = 9) then mm = 'September';
 else if (xx = 10) then mm = 'October';
 else if (xx = 11) then mm = 'November';
 else mm = 'December';
 DSTRING = DSTRING || mm || ', ' || extract (year from d);
 return DSTRING;
end ^

Here we go:

Database:  dev:employee, User: sysdba

SQL> set term ^;
SQL> input c:\sql\func_stringdate.txt^
SQL> commit^
SQL> show functions^

Global functions:

Function Name                    Invalid Dependency, Type
================================ ======= =====================================

Packaged functions:
Function Name                    Invalid Dependency, Type
================================ ======= =====================================

-- so, there's our PSQL function, right there in RDB$FUNCTIONS, where the UDF declarations would be, if there were any.

SQL> select stringdate(date '25.12.2014') from rdb$database^

25 December, 2014

SQL> select full_name, stringdate(hire_date) as hired from employee^

FULL_NAME                             HIRED
===================================== ===================
Nelson, Robert                        28 December, 1988
Young, Bruce                          28 December, 1988
Lambert, Kim                          6 February, 1989
Johnson, Leslie                       5 April, 1989
Forest, Phil                          17 April, 1989
Weston, K. J.                         17 January, 1990
Lee, Terri                            1 May, 1990
Hall, Stewart                         4 June, 1990
Young, Katherine                      14 June, 1990
Papadopoulos, Chris                   1 January, 1990

..... and so on.

SQL> drop function stringdate^
SQL> show functions^
There are no user-defined functions in this database

That was easy! But Firebird 3 has a few more neat tricks. It will let us run subroutines inside both stored functions and stored procedures. That's what this syntax line was about:


In the first function, we declared some local variables. For the next one, we declare a sub-function as well and achieve the same end by slightly different means:

create function stringdate1 (d date) returns varchar(19)
 declare xx smallint;
 declare mm varchar(9);
 declare yy smallint;
 declare DSTRING varchar(19);
-- we declare and code the sub-function together, right here:
 declare function mstring (xx integer) returns  varchar(9)
     if (xx = 1) then return 'January';
     else if (xx = 2) then return 'February';
     else if (xx = 3) then return 'March';
     else if (xx = 4) then return 'April';
     else if (xx = 5) then return 'May';
     else if (xx = 6) then return 'June';
     else if (xx = 7) then return 'July';
     else if (xx = 8) then return 'August';
     else if (xx = 9) then return 'September';
     else if (xx = 10) then return 'October';
     else if (xx = 11) then return 'November';
     else return 'December';
 -- Here's where we implement the main function
 -- and call the sub-function
   DSTRING = '';
   DSTRING = DSTRING || extract (day from d) || ' ' || mstring(extract (month from d)) || ', ' || extract (year from d);
   return DSTRING;
 end ^

Here we go again:

SQL> input c:\sql\func_stringdate1.txt^
SQL> commit^
SQL> show functions^

Global functions:

Function Name                    Invalid Dependency, Type
================================ ======= =====================================

Packaged functions:
Function Name                    Invalid Dependency, Type
================================ ======= =====================================

Soo, there's our PSQL function, right there in RDB$FUNCTIONS, where the externally-loaded UDF declarations would be, if there were any.

SQL> select stringdate1(date '1960-04-21') from rdb$database^

21 April, 1960

SQL> select full_name, stringdate1(hire_date) as hired from employee^

FULL_NAME                             HIRED
===================================== ===================
Nelson, Robert                        28 December, 1988
Young, Bruce                          28 December, 1988
Lambert, Kim                          6 February, 1989
Johnson, Leslie                       5 April, 1989
Forest, Phil                          17 April, 1989
Weston, K. J.                         17 January, 1990

As you can see, your user-defined stored functions can be used anywhere you would use a built-in or external scalar function. The core team is already referring to external functions as "legacy UDFs"!